Ed,Edd,n Eddy 2nd DVD
I finally received the second season dvd in the mail today so let's take a look at it here. *Puts dvd in* I'm going to skip
to the goodies here real quick meaning the "special features" since we all know the quality of the episodes on the
DVD. The first season DVD only had a few features I really liked such as a short interview with Danny but this one looks like
it has a few more. Below is a list of the special features as well as a short description of them.
1. "I'm not coming in today"
A great music video that use to be on Cartoon Network around 2003 also known as the "Incredible Shrinking Day".
Loved it,one of my favorite Ed related ads.
Rating: 5/5
2. Ed's Oragami
A very short CN commericial depicting Eddy being built with paper. While it was pretty neat I must admit I was expecting
to see one of the AKA employees doing something with it. The commercial is very short at about 15 seconds.
Rating: 2/5
3. Draw Ed
Another one of my favorite features from the first season dvd with Scott Diggs Underwood. This one is a little different
with humorous little information that pops up. I won't say what they're since you might be planning on getting this dvd. Definitely
another favorite of mine.
Rating: 5/5
4. The Good the Bad and The Ugly
If you've ever seen the episode "Know it all Ed" then you'll know what I'm talking about in this one. Pretty
much it shows the Eds in that famous show down scene with the Kankers and they have western style dramatic music playing.
It's pretty cool and honestly I've always wanted to see something like that in that episode.
Rating: 4/5
5. Behind the Ed
Finally we have Behind the Ed with Danny. Danny talks about walk cycles and shows many of the pre-production walk cycles
which is really cool. He talks about little things that we miss a lot but I won't ruin it for you. Key words are "facial
expressions." Danny also goes into "boiling lines" and I'm very surprised at the amount of information they
fit into this feature. I think anyone that loves the show as much as I do will admit that Danny is awesome. My favorite part
of this is the Theme Song discussion. I won't go into this either because I think you'll appreciate it more. Danny also goes
through "Ed-volution" talking about the changing drawing styles of the Eds, characters, and backgrounds, etc...
The interview keeps going on and on and there is just so much cool stuff that you really need to get this dvd to experience
it. Don't get the dvd just because of the episodes but also get it for this feature imparticular. I'll end in saying one thing.
"Double-D's hat discussion." I wish I could give this feature more than five stars because it definitely deserves
at least ten.
Rating: 5/5
Overall the special features in this DVD are much better than the first DVD! I can't wait to see the features on the third
season DVD.
Overall Special Feature Rating: 4.2
Well there you have it! I'm very pleased with this DVD especially with the special features. I guarantee that you will
love this just as much as I do and it will make a great addition to your Ed, Edd, n Eddy collection. Until next time this
has been Editor's Review here at the Jawbreaker Chronicle.