Here are the dedicated writers that bring you the news about the Eds that you either love or hate to read. They're always
on the scene whenever something is going down at the Culde-sac. You can trust the JBC team to bring you the news you want
to know...Well most of the time anyway.
Justin (JBC Staff Editor)
Justin has once again been elected as Staff Editor of the JBC. Well not really elected because of some clause in the contract
that he made every member sign that said he is editor for life. It was of course in small print. He has a known tendency of
being very cheap and sometimes substituting safety for better prices. He is well known in the Culde-sac by the Eds and other
kids. If he is liked by them is another matter. He loves his job and is a rapid supporter for increase pay for newspaper editors.
Justin still goes by the motto "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Which he still doesn't know what it means.
John (JBC Assistant Editor)
John is a classic example of one man climbing the corporate ladder. Once starting out as an intern then as a staff writer
he slowly began moving up the JBC pole. Over the years he has been given the nickname as the "company punching bag"
since he has been involved in a lot of accidents due to the carelessness or purposeful actions of the other staff members
namely Justin and Dr. Eric. He is quoted in saying, "I like the new title but I'm not too happy about my office arrangement."
Meaning he was given Dr. Eric's old office.
Dr. Eric (Ex JBC Physician/Full time convict)
Dr. Eric was once a prominent doctor with high hopes and dreams. However, those dreams ended after multiple malpractice suits.
Stripped of his license to practice medicine Dr. Eric found himself out on the street. Justin who had just created the JBC
offered him the job and Dr. Eric had no choice but to accept. He wrote the JBC's Medical Journal up until the JBC closed
its doors. Months after the closure of the JBC, Dr. Eric was later arrested for attempting to steal a bag of peanuts from
a malaysian airport terminal. He was sent back to the U.S. for trial where they found his malpractice cases. Dr. Eric was
sentenced to twenty five years without parole. Finding a loop hole in the system the JBC still remains contact with Dr. Eric
and gains wisdom or ignorance from his "Weekly Word" which can be found here on the JBC. Every week Dr. Eric is interviewed
by the JBC's own John in an attempt to grace the public of Peach Creek with intelligence or stupidity.
Lynn (Advertising Department)
Lynn has always been working behind the scenes taking in ad requests from members of the Peach Creek community to further
increase their business or further drive them out of business. Either way she does a great job, even though her job leaves
her with too much free time being that it only takes a day of work to complete. Nazz has placed a restraining order on her
since their last encounter ended with Nazz head first into a mailbox.
Blake (Freelance Writer)
This guy comes out of no where with articles which makes him a great choice for a freelance writer. His style is sneaking
into the JBC and placing the articles on Justin's desk. After the security system was updated he was mistaken for an intruder
and ejected from the building by the robot guards.
Tyler (Freelance Writer)
Along with his brother Blake these two make up the freelance writers of Peach Creek. Although they're not full staff writers
they still receive quite some page time here at the JBC. They've become so at home at the JBC that Tyler even attempted to
steal Justin's soda which turned out to be a catastrophic mistake.
Gerald (JBC Staff Writer)
One of the newest writers on the staff Gerald comes to the JBC from the new development of Peach Creek Estates. All though
he doesn't fully understand the weird ways of Peach Creek he will eventually learn. He is stationed next to the noisy ice
machine in the JBC building which at times causes him to go temporarily insane much to the amusement of the other staff. He
is truly a great addition to the JBC team.
Colton (JBC Staff Writer)
Colton was any other member of Peach Creek until an ad for the JBC caught his eye. He applied and was soon hired by Justin
who insisted on not paying him. But, then again Justin doesn't pay anyone. He enjoys reminding John that his office is much
larger and not often mistaken for a fire extinguisher panel. He matches the strange and insane nature of the rest of the JBC
sometimes rambling for hours about pointless subjects.
Chris (JBC Staff Writer)
Chris is a unique individual that possesses certain qualities that many of the JBC employees lost long ago. Chris is the
only person who can get close enough to interview most of the Culde-sac members without having objects hurled at him. The
staff takes great pride in sending him out into certain danger while the rest of them are nice and safe behind their desks.
Chris will truly be a great addition to the JBC team if he survives the missions.