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Below you will find answers to some of the questions you might have about the site or becoming a part of the site. If your question is not answered feel free to send us an email to thejbc@gmail.com

What is the JBC Exclusive?

The JBC Exclusive stands for The Jawbreaker Chronicle Exclusive! The Exclusive is a branch off of the original JBC. If you're not familar with the Jawbreaker Chronicle you can still check it out in our links section. In a nutshell the JBC is a team of writers who write about fictional occurrences in Peach Creek. The process is both fun and interesting because anything goes. (Example: Eddy Declared New King of The Culde-sac)

How can I be apart of the JBC Exclusive?

There are a few ways to be apart of the JBC Exclusive. The Exclusive needs writers. If you like to write and enjoy the Eds then this job is just right for you. To become a writer simply send in a "resume" to admin.jbc@gmail.com In this resume put why you want to be a writer, and how often you can send articles in. Make sure you label the header of the email "JBC Application" You will receive an email within 24 hours with more information and a greeting from the Editor. If you wrote something and just want it to be seen by the public then send it to us. Who knows it might just make it into an issue.

If I become a writer do I get anything for it?

This site is for fun and not for profit so the writers are not paid for their stories. However, each writer will get a little bio section on the site as well as chances in upcoming contests where prizes can be won.

What are the requirements for the articles?

Each article sent in must be about the Eds or the other kids of the Culde-sac. The stories need to be in news form such as "Eddy Declared New King of the Culde-sac" The stories also need to be no higher than a PG rating.

What happened to Dr. Eric?

For those of you who remember Dr. Eric from the original JBC you know that he has been in hiding for multiple malpractice suits. Well about three months ago he was found and arrested in the old JBC building hiding in his small 3ft by 3ft office/closet. He was sent a small fruit basket and the rest of us moved on with our lives. He can still be heard on the JBC every week during his "weekly words" segment where John interviews him at the prison each week.

If your question wasn't answered please send us an email to thejbc@gmail.com

The JBC is not affiliated to Cartoon Network or A.K.A. Studios in any way. The JBC is a non profit site and is only mantained for sheer entertainment. No infringement is intended. 

The Jawbreaker Chronicleİ 2002-2007 All Articles are the original ideas of the staff members of the site. The creator isn't liable for any content taken by staff members. Please don't take our articles. If you would like to use one please email the Editor.

The Jawbreaker Chronicle

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Ed Approves the JBC